
-I made my way around the PT on autopilot, numb as I replayed the night over in my head. Everything was still fresh almost taunting me as it looped. There was so much let soak in and judging by the constant, overly nagging throb behind my eyes, it was safe to say  that it wasn’t letting up any time soon. The day had crept slower than any before it, Savage’s machines kept a tune and I hummed some random words just to fill the quiet void. How had something so innocent turned into this? My ass fell back into the chair beside his bed with a grunt, legs tucking under as I squirmed to get in some sort of comfortable position. I had taken another three pints of the chosen’s blood before she left much to her dismay. Of course in the head space I was in she really wasn’t given much of an option. And if there was going to be any fall back from doing so, I didn’t fucking care. No matter who was on the table I would be doing the same but this was different. This was..my fault? A low song breath blew across my lips as my hands raked through my hair, peeking down at a pale Savage- How the hell or where…fuck me. Do I even try to fix it…can I? -Pressing the heels my hands into my eyes and groaning- Fuck fuck fuckity fuck -I may have screamed the last few curses, hoping in some small way it would shake Savage’s ass awake. But instead it only seemed to beckon a Doggen? My hands dropped as he cleared his throat, and I was sure his sudden appearance may have caused my heart to literally fall out my ass. But as long as I didn’t move from this seat it would be safe. Meekly lifting my voice- Can I help you with something? -Half wondering as my eyes dropped to the tray in his hands if I had called down for something and just forgotten- “I have what you requested, Miss Hart. The blood you took from the Chosen and some food that I was told you needed to eat. I am not allowed to leave untill it is done.” -My eyes blinked a little as I rose from my seat, had I really done that…again? Fuck me I really did need sleep- I’m sorry. It must have slipped my mind. Although -Chuckling softly as I took the bags from his tray- I am almost 1000% percent sure that Fritz added the food to the order -Offering him only a wink before stepping away- “It could be possible Miss” -I chuckled again at the Miss, shaking my head- You think, …-Pausing as my head lifted- Since you’re gonna be here till I am done eating every last drop -A smile played across my lips- Why don’t you give me  a hand and a name to call you? -His brows shot up and I was curious as to which he was more afraid of. The realization I may never eat so he may never leave? Or the fact I was going to force him to talk to me the entire time. I giggled softly, either way it was entertaining to watch his features play out. He cleared his throat again before speaking- “Leonard is my name, Miss Hart. Is there anything I can assist you with?” -My hands were already making short work on the IV in Savage’s arm, inserting the new tube as my other hand squeezed the bag to get it started before I looked to Leonard again- It’s a pleasure to meet you Leonard. I believe I’ve seen you around for a while now.  I think I have it all under control here. And I’ll even eat right now just so you don’t have to suffer. -Double checking the flow as I reached for the plate, taking a big bite of the gauc, sprouts and creamcheese sandwich Fritz had become accustomed to making me-

~ by awkwardlybravemoose on January 30, 2013.

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